Isn't this like the most common saying ever? I was thinking about it today and decided I have a better one to live my life based on: Rome doesn't have to be built in a day. I am becoming more and more type A as I get older and delve into my new job and I always want to be the one who completes things the quickest and does the best and is all around super employee. While I know this isn't a bad trait it is draining me. I am stressed out and the worst part is that it is all self imposed. I need to realize that no one expects me to finish something 5 minutes after they assign it to me and I am doing a great job. I know I am succeeding and I just need to breath and enjoy it a little.

Moving on...Things I am loving this Thursday :)
The weather today. Even though I missed all of the storms because I was in a soundproof office and LA traffic was even worse than normal (give LA people some clouds and rain and they go batshit, can't drive for anything) it is amazing and gloomy. I also love the complex clouds (this is a bad picture example), there are dark ones and sun peeks out and different shapes and...well y'all know what clouds are like I suppose.
This app and website are cool. I am slowly trying to get into budgeting and managing my money and this makes it easy to see where it is going. My only complaint is that my credit card company isn't linked up with them (c'mon 1st financial bank!!) so I can't track my biggest money drain but I have been meaning to switch companies anyway (they charge me a damn fee! again, c'mon 1st financial bank!!)
My longest plank ever! 'Nuff said.
So I don't actually have this shirt but in addition to plank-a-day I added 20 squats to my day. I have only been doing them since Monday but I already feel a bit sore (which is incredibly sad). 20 is so easy and manageable and while I know it won't give me a butt to brag about it is better than nothing.
Today I am taking a day off from the gym grind just to let myself breath. I know my body can hang and could easily complete a run but I just don't want to and I shouldn't feel like I HAVE to. So I can curled up in bed in my flannel pajama pants (that I may or may not have stolen from an ex, because we all know stolen clothes are the best) and catching up on WIAW and other happenings in the blog world. 
Enough about me ;) 
What are you loving this Thursday??

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