It's a quick one tonight because I am crazy busy trying to get my butt to bed for a busy day tomorrow (gotta get up and link up before work ya know!). Thanks Jenn for hosting!
(From top left): Hummus and carrot chips / Best lunch hour ever (turkey burger over salad, diet coke and Rolling Stone) / Yoplait and granola / "I hate being bored at work won't someone email me??" snack / Macaroni and Cheese.
These all weren't noshed on in the same day..the chocolate, lunch and mac and cheese were but the others were from today. Overall I know my meals are fairly balanced (I was practicing portion control with the macaroni... baby steps) I just need to either snack healthy or not at all. I usually am not even hungry I am just bored or annoyed...well usually bored. I have a better post planned for tomorrow I promise! I couldn't miss out on WIAW though so forgive me (is this a hit it and quit it? Booty call? Sorry for some reason this is all my brain can think of as witty at this point :/ )
How do you control boredom eating?? I can't be the only one to partake! 
Well I guess it is only fitting that Kat's blog was the first health blog I ever saw and now she is the first one to ever include me for any blog connect/award/survey thing. Thank you! 

Here are the deets - 
~If you are nominated you must include the link in a blog, linking to the person/blog that nominated you~ 
~You must answer some questions and nominate 7 fellow bloggers and link their blogs in your post~ 
~Let the people you have nominated know that you have nominated them!~
1.) Who is your favorite philosopher?

Errrr... I really don't have one. I mean I am pretty sure most people my age don't but I just haven't thought of it ever. 
2.) What is your favorite number?

Oh here is one I have. My favorite number(s) are 7 and 21. 7 because I have always been drawn to it and 21 because it is my birthday day and wasn't 21 a great age? Even before I was 21 I figured it was the pinnacle of young adulthood. 
3.) What is your favorite animal?

Yay an excuse to post a picture of my dog! We just cut her nails today (and homegirl was not pleased) so it is only fitting she has her second to shine.
She loves me I swear
4.) What are your facebook and twitter?

I am a horrible journalist and do not have a twitter, I know, shame me now. My facebook is personal and really, no one wants to see my obsessive dog posts and work rants, I am really doing you a favor.
5.) What is your favorite time of day?

I am so a morning person. It runs in the family, all of the youngest females (my gma/mom, and me) are all the morning people out of the group. If we don't accomplish it by noon we might as well call it a wash. 
6.) What is your favorite vacation?

I am super lucky. I have had the chance to travel to quite a few places; almost every state (minus hawaii and florida), Canada, Mexico and have been to a couple countries in Europe. I really don't have a favorite vacation in spite of this. I have had fun in the South, Washington D.C., Canada (minus Quebec...they were mean), and of course my childhood family vacations to Maine. I can't wait to see where I head to next!
Family cottage in Maine :)
Harper's Ferry. Last spring's trip!
7.) What is your favorite physical activity?

Running. Hands down it is running. I started in cross country and track in high school and while I didn't fully appreciate it then it grew on me. The best workouts have always been long runs and the most calming feelings have always come after a good and long run.
8.) What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?

There are drinks besides alcoholic ones?? Kidding...kinda... Besides a good cocktail I do love coffee and Kombucha. Coffee has been the old standby and Kombucha is the new kid on the block that has me infatuated. 
9.) What is your favorite flower?

Hmmm I really have no definite ideas and preferences on flowers..I like 'em but as far as preferring one over another I just don't. I do take some nice iPhone pictures of them though ;)
10.) What is your passion?

Well the moral of this post is basically "Caitlin doesn't know" isn't it? Frankly I have no idea what my passion is...I graduated from college with barely an idea except knowing that I wanted to keep learning and find a job that challenged me and was outside of my comfort zone. I can't say I fully achieved that but it has taught me quite a bit. I guess my passion in life is growing and changing and learning. I don't want to ever become stagnant and content with where I am at. My passion is change and being constantly confronted with new challenges. (haha deeeep).
I am going to plead the fifth on nominating others for this at this time. I am still a little newbie to the blog scene and don't know anyone well enough to be nominating them for anything. I hope I am forgiven.

Have a happy week everyone! Let's hope it goes by fast!
Isn't this like the most common saying ever? I was thinking about it today and decided I have a better one to live my life based on: Rome doesn't have to be built in a day. I am becoming more and more type A as I get older and delve into my new job and I always want to be the one who completes things the quickest and does the best and is all around super employee. While I know this isn't a bad trait it is draining me. I am stressed out and the worst part is that it is all self imposed. I need to realize that no one expects me to finish something 5 minutes after they assign it to me and I am doing a great job. I know I am succeeding and I just need to breath and enjoy it a little.

Moving on...Things I am loving this Thursday :)
The weather today. Even though I missed all of the storms because I was in a soundproof office and LA traffic was even worse than normal (give LA people some clouds and rain and they go batshit, can't drive for anything) it is amazing and gloomy. I also love the complex clouds (this is a bad picture example), there are dark ones and sun peeks out and different shapes and...well y'all know what clouds are like I suppose.
This app and website are cool. I am slowly trying to get into budgeting and managing my money and this makes it easy to see where it is going. My only complaint is that my credit card company isn't linked up with them (c'mon 1st financial bank!!) so I can't track my biggest money drain but I have been meaning to switch companies anyway (they charge me a damn fee! again, c'mon 1st financial bank!!)
My longest plank ever! 'Nuff said.
So I don't actually have this shirt but in addition to plank-a-day I added 20 squats to my day. I have only been doing them since Monday but I already feel a bit sore (which is incredibly sad). 20 is so easy and manageable and while I know it won't give me a butt to brag about it is better than nothing.
Today I am taking a day off from the gym grind just to let myself breath. I know my body can hang and could easily complete a run but I just don't want to and I shouldn't feel like I HAVE to. So I can curled up in bed in my flannel pajama pants (that I may or may not have stolen from an ex, because we all know stolen clothes are the best) and catching up on WIAW and other happenings in the blog world. 
Enough about me ;) 
What are you loving this Thursday??

These weeks are dragging! Oh well at least this is a little fun in between all the work :) thanks Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting!
Ohhhh what is this?? Did Caitlin really take photos of what she ate FOR A WHOLE DAY?? You are right smarty pants! I guess there really is a first time for everything. I do have a little clarification for these eats though (obviously this was too good to be true) and also an explanation for what I actually ate (cause my dark iPhone photos are obviously not very good indicators).

Breakfast was supposed to be the Chobani with granola but in the same vein with my post on Monday I wasn't too down (no worries I ate it today!). Breakfast actually ended up being coffee and then a mid morning snack (the Cheez its and water). Lunch was the tupperware of veggies (that I steamed at work) and a veggie chicken patty. Dinner was roasted sweet potato with ketchup/sriracha and a turkey burger and dessert was kit kats (way more than 2..).

My pride and joy are those sweet potatoes there. I can never seem to muster the patience to cook something all of the way (you know until brown and not mushy and weird) and for once I did! They were a bit crispy and oh so good. This better have not been a fluke.
My babies right out of the oven :)
I think I did fairly good this day. Obviously I should have eaten breakfast and probably stopped after 6 kit kats (I have issues when candy is around if ya couldn't tell) but I got a lot of veggies and healthy protein so I think it wasn't a bad day.
What is the best thing you are this week?? Anyone else have patience issues when it comes to cooking??
Did that just send chills down your spine?? That phrase never means anything good does it? oh how many mornings have I woken up that from my parents when I was in high school...err scratch that, I was a great kid ;)

Anyway I need some opinions. I realized lately (or finally came to terms with it) that I tend to have a bit of odd and distorted eating habits. Nothing too bad thankfully but I guess I just have a bad mindset about food sometimes.

In a way I feel like I have to "earn" my food. 

When I was in school I didn't really notice this feeling because I was walking from class to class or staying up long hours at work or basically doing something that so that I could "justify" eating. Now that I am at a desk for 9+ hours a day I don't feel the same. I know that you have to eat to run your brain and for fuel to keep you alive and all that good stuff, but when I am sitting for hours on end I just don't feel like food, or a healthy dosage of it, is necessary. 

This is an issue. I know it is not healthy to go "why do you need breakfast? your not going to the gym or serving or doing anything besides sitting your butt in this chair and working on a computer." I do eat, and I eat really healthy when I am at work, but I don't feel good about what I am eating until I get home from the gym and eat dinner. 

It is hard for me to really convey this feeling because I just realized it over the last few days and I am still analyzing it myself...I am not worried about it per se but I know I need to change my mindset real quick because this isn't a good road. 

wow...that felt pretty great to lay out there and analyze. wheewwww! Small weight lifted off my shoulders :)
Happier stuff to come later this week I promise! I even have a crap ton of photos and some actual cooking photos! (and yet I applaud myself over the littlest things... lol)
Anyone know where I am coming from? Any experience with this kinda mindset would be greatly appreciated!
a.k.a. my titles are either nonexistent or super long....
Pink running shoes and neon pink/brown running shorts. I also just wanted an excuse to show off my best angle. 
Nail polish. I love it and it's unhealthy and I repaint my nails twice a week. I am a loyal consumer slave to Essie. 
Love it. I am scared for it to end because I love it so much. It is funny and inspiring (in the kind of "I don't want your job but it is amazing and 'you go girl' kind of way").  
I feel like reusing this photo is okay because I just repainted my nails the same color and the can was consumed at the same location. I love me some diet coke. I have coffee in the morning and before I leave work but in between I need my caffeine, and this fits the bill.
I love that this soundtrack. It got me through my mountain of paperwork and my graphic designing duties of the day. 
My new phone case, and yeah it's a screen shot, I love my Mac. It can do anything. 
What are you loving this Thursday?! 
Look-ey Look-ey at the new theme!!! If only Jenn knew that I basically pound Halloween candy like it's water and there is nothing "healthy" about the season for me...oh well I guess there is no time like the present to start growing up!

Another Wednesday and another week I have forgotten to take pictures throughout the day. Today I started off pretty solid with a breakfast photo:
(I didn't say it was exciting but it was breakfast so it counts). Chobani with Love Grown granola and the usual coffee.

So I had mung bean cakes for lunch. I have no idea what they are except that they are sold at the Korean grocery across the street from where I live and they are so good. I drench those puppies (I hope not!...sorry bad joke....) in Sriracha and I am good to go. I was going to take a picture but I was at work and the lunch room was oddly busy at 2pm. I was already eating semi-stinky food, I didn't want to then take a picture of it...

So instead I will show you something I am so proud of:
LOOK AT THAT FRIDGE!!! Veggies galore up in that .....female dog....

I am so excited to jam pack my lunches this week and weekend with every single bit of this (or as much as my mom will allow without getting mad that I stole all the broccoli again).

Finally, a little cute snack that I had today (so count 'em folks, thats 1 meal and 1 snack I have photos of, I am the C student of the WIAW world).
My mom's note with the plums I ate for snack today. 
How is everyone's week going?? How do you plan to implement the new theme?
NOTE: This was supposed to be posted yesterday but in my excitement I kind of...forgot to hit publish live. Oh well, it's FRIDAY!!!! Happy weekend all!
I am sure someone somewhere has created a link up for this but I am too wired to figure it out. Anywhoo I am in a delusionally (my own word? I apparently am all about creating stuff today) excited mood so here we goo:

1.) Kale...Oh let me count the ways...
I haven't had it all week and finally bought more and I am in love all over again. I could put that stuff with anything and grub on it all night.

2.) Coffee at work. It might not be strong (it is medium roast...yeah im a coffee snob in that I like to almost chew it as opposed to drink it) but it is FREE! and this girl loves her some free stuff
That cup is actually full...well kind's a Keurig and all that fits in my cup is 8 oz at a time. I go back at least 3 times before lunch.
3.) Candy at work. I know my "good habit" was supposed to be not eating crap at work but they had dark chocolate covered kit kats this week! I can't turn that down. I didn't visit every dish in the whole firm this week though  (Not that I have every other week...cough cough...again, this girl loves her some free stuff).
4.) Casual Friday. I love not having to think about what I have to wear tomorrow and also being able to wear all the cute skinny bright color pants I compulsively buy from target. 

These are actually bright green but I have an iphone and poor lighting so they look teal...oh well I love em and for $20 I bought 3 pairs (different colors) so far..... it may be a growing issue.
What are you loving today??
Is this really my 5th already!?? WOW time sure flies! Thanks to Jenn for hosting and coming up with this great idea!

This week has been slllooowwww...but crazy at the same time. The weekend cannot come soon enough! Here are the eats:
Not the prettiest eat for sure but it's a kale and veggie chicken salad with tzatziki as the dressing. So.Freaking.Good. 
Snacky of carrots and more tzatziki...When I like something I kind of go on a bender...oops.
One of the many caffeinated loves of my life keeping me awake while I work.
I wanted to do a whole post just about these babies but held myself back. Corn Bread crackers though??! It's like the food gods heard by pleas and created this. I ate the whole box in 2 days and 2 sittings. So So good.
So we are missing dinner and to be honest I have no idea what it was. I think it was spaghetti but it could have been avocado pesto pasta. Either way it was delicious (as if I wouldn't eat it if it wasn't... ;))

Sorry this one feels a little lackluster...this week has put me in a funk so far...

How do you get outta a weird funk? Do you ever feel off and not know why?
The end of the work week and this weekend have been crazy. I wanted to do a recipe (finally) or a well thought out post but I work job #2 all weekend and am trying to keep up my social/workout life (workout life is failing). Here are a bunch of pictures of what I have been up to! Enjoy!

Longest plank yet! Plank-a-day is the one thing I have actually kept doing even through my absence from the gym.
Jello shots at a dive bar with one of my friends last night. You cannot take me into a dingy bar that offers jello shots and expect me not to buy one. I obviously was too excited to take a photo before shootin' up....sorry...

The perks of working right by LAX! Saw the shuttle land and then the office bribed us to continue working that day with ice cream and pizza...ohhh another reason why my job is making me fat.
Going along with the idea of cute drink containers here is my new "green" water cup for work! I have a plain one but it was becoming a bitch to have to clean it everyday so I shelled out the $5 for a backup one.
And last but definitely not least is a picture of my adorable old lady and her new bed. Yeah I am kinda obsessed. 
How is everyone else's weekend going??